domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Colombian Import

What is an import?

To understand the behavior of the imports, it is indispensable to familiarize with the term "import", which means the introduction of goods of foreign origin to the customs national territory. Also is considered to be an import the introduction of goods proceeding from Industrial Duty-free zone of Goods and of Services, to the rest of the customs national territory in the terms(ends) foreseen in the Decree 2586 of 1999.

What does understand itself for primary good?

It is a good that needs several transformations to come to the final consumer. For example: the maize (corn), which is a primary good, transforms to do the flour of maize (corn) and this one transforms to make another type of food.

What does understand itself for products based on natural resources?

They are products that take the elements of the nature as a raw material. For example: chloride of vinyl, propileno, wire of copper, aluminium, between others.

What does understand itself for products of low technology?

They are products that have a low value added in your manufacturing process, which involves very few economic resources. For example: confections, textiles, footwear, leather, containers of glass, boxes, between others.

What does understand itself for products of half a technology?

They are products that have added relatively high value, but that they do not need of highly complex processes for your development. For example: medicines, herbicides, soap, perfumes, paintings, between others.

What does understand itself for products of high technology?

They are products that have a high value added in your manufacturing process and that they need of a major investment in investigation (research) and development. For example: electrical transformers, pieces of aircraft, planes, compasses, devices of navigation, equipments(teams) of telecommunications, between(among) others.

Which are the goods belonging to the item " other transactions "?

They are the goods that have been classified under these item by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carib (CEPAL) and that have not been included in the classifications as(like): high technology, half a technology and low technology. For example: leaflets, books, maps, diaries, magazines, works, electric power, between others.

How did they endure the imports in the year 2007?

In agreement to the report consolidated of exports, tourism and investment realized by Proexport, during the year 2007 the imports reached US$26.928 million, that is to say an increase of 26.6 % with regard to the year 2006. In agreement to the previous thing, the imported quantities presented an increase of 12.2 % with regard to the year 2006.

The primary goods had a participation of 8.4 % of the imports, this was given as result of a dynamic discharge of the demand(lawsuit) and the consumption. Nevertheless, the products based on natural resources had a participation of 18 %, which according to Proexport was a minor compared with last year. It is necessary to highlight that the imports that belong(concern) to the item of " other transactions " also had an increase of 20.3 %.

The goods of discharge, average(half) and low technology had an increase with regard to the year 2006. In spite of this, it is important to emphasize that the goods of high technology have come losing participation in the Colombian imports across the years. On the contrary, the import of goods of average(half) and low technology they have gained(earned) percentage points with regard to the previous years.

Which was the principal seller for Colombia during 2007?

During the year 2007 Colombia possessed commercial associates as China, Japan, Chile and Brazil, which had an increase in your sales to Colombia of 53 %, 35.2 %, 31.5 % and 31 % respectively.

The principal supplier of Colombia continues being The United States which has 26 % of the purchases of Colombia. Between(among) the principal products imported from The United States they find the propileno, maize(corn), chloride of vinyl and wheat.

Mexico was outlined for increasing his(her,your) sales for Colombia in 36 %. His(her,your) sales came to the US$2.548 million and between(among) the principal products sold at Colombia they are cellular, computers, televisions and tractors.

The European Union sold products to Colombia as medicines, vehicles and products of telephony. In spite of the fact that this economic block has lost participation in the Colombian imports, these they changed in 16.2 % with regard to last year.

The principal supplier of Colombia continues being The United States which has 26 % of the purchases of Colombia. Between(among) the principal products imported from The United States they find the propileno, maize(corn), chloride of vinyl and wheat.

Mexico was outlined for increasing his(her,your) sales for Colombia in 36 %. His(her,your) sales came to the US$2.548 million and between(among) the principal products sold at Colombia they are cellular, computers, televisions and tractors.

The European Union sold products to Colombia as medicines, vehicles and products of telephony. In spite of the fact that this economic block has lost participation in the Colombian imports, these they changed in 16.2 % with regard to last year.

For your(his,her,their) part China is positioned in the third position(place) as for imports for Colombia, which promoted to US$2.706 million with regard to the previous year. For the year 2007 I present a positive variation coming to 10 % of the participation in the Colombian purchases. It is necessary to highlight that Brazil played an important paper(role) increasing his(her,your) sales in 31 % in goods as planes, aluminium, cellular, between(among) others.

In spite of the positive variations in the imports from other countries, it is necessary to highlight that the imports from Venezuela diminished in 3.7 %.

Why did one give this importing dynamics in 2007?

The increase of the imports during 2007 was given thanks to the rate of change revalued (in October the average revaluation was 12.1 % with regard to the same month of the previous year), to the industrial growth to a rate of 11.5 % and to the good performance of the internal demand and the consumption from May, 2007. As for the self-propelled sector and of construction an increase was demonstrated in your imports; in the same way (alike) these sectors consume plastic, which explains the increase in the imports of propileno to produce plastic. To finish, given the exemption of the VAT in the computers and the increase in the consumption, explained previously, the imports of this good increased considerably.

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