That is the exportation?
There exist many definitions associated with this term(end). As it(he,she) explains in some cases, the exportation is simply the exit of a product of a certain country with I destine other one, crossing the different borders or seas that separate the nations. But if we go to a much more technical concept, the exportation, according to the Colombian Customs, it is considered to be the exit of goods of the customs national territory towards a foreign naciòn or an industrial duty-free zone of goods and / or services to remain in her(it) in a definitive way. Tangled not? We are going to understand(include) the concept a bit more.
First, this concept is taken directly of the definition that of exportation has the Colombian customs. According to the customs legislation, the customs national territory is considered to be the space in which the country is located including his(her,your) borders, so much maritime, since(as,like) air, since(as,like) geoespaciales. Therefore everything what understands(includes) our territory is considered to be the customs national territory. Now then, in the term(end) it is clear that he(she) sends directly to the exit of goods towards a foreign nation or an industrial Duty-free zone of goods and services. For that this distinction?
- Definitive exportation (in three modalities)
- Temporary Exportation for the passive development
- Temporary Exportation for reimport in the same condition(state)
- Reexport
- Reloading(Reshipment)
- Exportation of samples without commercial value
- Temporary Exports realized by travelers
- Special Programs of Exportation
- Exportation of furnitures
- Exportation of services (in four modalities)

- The Only(Unique) loading(shipment) with definitive information to the loading(shipment): It is the exportation as is we know her, only when it(he,she) refers to definitive information it(he,she) is that the document of exportation does not suffer any modification.
- The only(unique) loading(shipment) with provisional information: Under this modality envian those goods that for his(her,your) physical or chemical characteristics or circusntancias inhenrentes to the marketing, it(he,she) cannot prepare from the definitive information to the moment of the loading(shipment). The example mas clear in this respect is that of the flowers, so(then,since) due to the fact that in the moment of his(her,your) marketing in the exterior he(she) appears for certain seasons and with beaks(peaks) of production, the definitive information is not had. Nevertheless, the customs authority establishes a term during which the exporter must close the document to turn this way into a definitive exportation, this term for the Colombian legislation corresponds(fits) to three (3) months. When one speaks about the only(unique) loading(shipment) it(he,she) means that envia with an alone document of transport.
- Loading(Shipment) divided with definitive or provisional information: It is the office in different sending(parcels) and with different documents of transport of goods protected in the document that credits the operation that gave place to the exportation. In this case the example mas concrete is the exit of goods under a monthly contract where there is guaranteed the importer that him(her) cumplira with the delivery of the product in different sending(parcels) but answering for an alone contract or commercial invoice. Likewise like in the previous case, if it(he,she) is with definitive information, it(he,she) must present monthly the definitive exports that confirm that cumplio the loadings(shipments). In case of provisional information, the exporter debera the documents close in three (3) following months of credit relaizado the loading(shipment).
It is the modality of exportation that regulates the temporary exit of goods national or nationalized of the customs national territory, to be submitted to transformation, production, or repair in the exterior or in an Industrial Duty-free zone of Goods and of Services, must be re-mattered in the term that the Customs autorize for every case before his(her,your) exportation. Simply in this case, it(he,she) is when sending(parcel) my product on the outside or a Duty-free zone in order that it is transformed, repaired or elaborated. An example is when there is a process that I it cannot do in the country, this way that sending(parcel) on the outside or to a Duty-free zone in order that it is elaborated or repaired.
This modality ends when I bring it for reimport for passive development, or there turns into a definitive exportation, that is to say that remains in a definitive way in this country; or when simply it(she) could not be repaired then I bring it under the modality of reimport in the same condition(state); or simply when it is destroyed in the exterior, obivamente credited before the Customs of which I destroy out.
It is the modality of exportation that regulates the temporary exit of goods national or nationalized of the customs national territory, to attend to a purpose specifies in the exterior, in a certain term, during which deberan to be re-imported without having experienced any modification, with exception of the normal deterioration originated in the use that of her(it) is done. The example mas clear for this modality is the exit of products that are going to be exposed in an international fair, simply the goods go out to fulfill a purpose specify and only the wear of the same one is born in mind in the exterior. This modality ends if the modality of reimport gives itself in the same condition(state), the definitive exportation, that podria to be in case of the fair the same sale, or the destruction of this one in the exterior, obviously crediting her before the Customs.
The reexport is the modality of exportation that regulates the definitive exit of the customs national territory of goods that were submitted to a modality of temporary import or to the modality of transformation and ensamble. Also podran to declare itself(himself,herself) for this modality the capital goods or his(her,your) parts(reports), which being imported temporarily, should go out to be an object of repair or replacement in the exterior or in an Industrial Duty-free zone of Goods and Services. Simply this modality can express to him(you,them) like her(it) commonly multure with which I transform or elaborate algun product or realize part(report) of the operation of production in Colombia, in order to send it again on the outside in a certain term.

It is the modality of exportaci {on that regulates the exit of the customs national territory of goods proceeding from the exterior that they find in storage and respect of which it(he,she) has not produced(operated on) the legal abandon they have not even been submitted to any modality of import. Not podra to there be authorized the reloading(reshipment) of chemical substances controlled by the National Council of Narcotics. In this modality one can give the case to bring a product of the exterior, but not coincide with the characteristics of the product like that that reenvia again to the native land or to another country where it(he) could be used.
Podran to be an object of exportation for this modality, the sending(parcels) of correspondence, the postal packages and the urgent sending(parcels) always quesu value does not exceed thousand dollars of the United States of North America (US$1.000.oo) and ask agile delivery from his(her,your) addressee. Principally this operation realized the Postal National Administration across the same entity or Specializing Companies of Messenger company. It is important to highlight that the goods that they need seen good on the part of the customs authority, must have them to the moment of the sending(parcel) of the postal parcel. For this modality it is necessary to proceed with the declaration simplified of exportation. Any package of correspondence not sera checked by the customs, simply alone presenting the Express Manifest, which is the document of transport, the package remains free of inspection and therefore the one who it is done repsonsable by the content of the package is the intermediary that in is case is the Company of Specializing Messenger company.
For effects of the regime(diet) of exportat That is the document of transport, the package remains free of inspection and therefore the one who it is done repsonsable by the content of the package is the intermediary who in thion are considered to be samples without commercial value those goods declared like such, which value total FOB should not exceed the amount that indicates the Direction(Address) of Taxes and National Customs by means of resolution. The exports of samples without commercial value realized directly by the Coffee growers' National Federation or by Porexport, not estan hold to the amount established on the value total FOB. Not podran to there be exported under this modality the products like the coffee(café), emeralds, articles manufactured of precious(beautiful) metals, I pray and his(her,your) alloys, platinum and metals of the group platinum, ashes of goldwork, residues or wastes of gold, mineral products with auriferous concentrates, silver and platinum, human plasma, human, narcotic organs and the products whose(which) this prohibited exportation such as the goods that form a part of the patrimony artisitico, historically, and archaeological of the Nation. They do not remain understood(included) in this prohibition, the exports of samples of coffee(café) effected(carried out) by the Coffee growers' National Federation.

Seran I object of this modality of exportation the national or nationalized goods that there take with it(him) the travelers who go out of the country and who wish reimportarlas to his(her,your) return in the same condition(state), without payment of taxes to the moment of the entry, for being of temporary character. The personal elements that the traveler takes not seran considered to be declared. The persons who want to export goods that form a part of the historical patrimony, artisitico or culturally of the Nation, or of the flora and Colombian fauna, deberan to expire with the requirements foreseen for the exportation of this class of goods by the competent authorities. In this case the travelers can or return with what they went away or to leave it in another country but it(he,she) must modify the declaration.
Seran I object of this modality of exportation the furnitures of the residents in the country that they go out of the customs national territory to fix his(her,your) residence in the exterior. For such an effect, the person who realizes in this case since(as,like) one "I" "move things around" or movement of his(her,your) things to another country, it(he,she) must present before the Customs with the goods a relation in which it(he,she) indicates the quantity and the description of what taking to this(this one) him(you,them). This operation of exportation of furnitures needs the presentation of the declaration simplified of exportation thirty (30) days calendar before the date of exit of the person towards the exterior or hundred twenty (120) days calendar after having travelled.
Equally, estableceran the percentages of residues and wastes that the process of production was generating. The producer of the final manufactured good, debera to constitute a bank garnatia or of insurance company for thirty per cent (30 %) of the value of the raw material(commodity) I object of the PEX. Since this operation is of exterior(foreign) trade, for effects of the operation, the delivery of raw materials(commodities) a definitive epxortacion is considered cmo, and the national producer who receives it, it(he,she) her(it) must receive as a temporary import to the amparodel PEX. In case the raw material(commodity) does not fulfill the qualit requirements demanded by the producer and before established in the agreement, simply the devolvera to the supplier under the modality of reimport in the same condition(state). The term to produce the manufactured final good is three (3) months depsues of received the inputs and extendably other three (3) mas if the producer justifies the above mentioned process.
The example mas clear is the case of which an international buyer of the sector you make a supplier of textiles contacts in Colombia in order that they are given another Colombian producer of confections and export the product that the international client wishes.
- Cross-border supply. It is the modality under which a service is exported to another country without the need to mobilize persons to give the service, therefore what travels is the service. The case or the example mas clear is the telemercadeo, the call centers, the electrical interconnection between(among) Colombia and Ecuador.
- Persons' movement. It is the modality under which to give the service one has to displace the personnel of a temporary way while it(he,she) fulfills the function that it(he,she) is going to develop in the exterior. The example is what refers to consultancy or training in the exterior.
- Consumers' movement. It is the modality under which to give the service, the person of the exterior has to be mobilized to the local country in order that the service is given him(her). The case mas concrete in this point is when a person of the exterior comes to Colombia to that gives him(her) a medical service or odontologico.
- Commercial presence. It is the modality under which to be able to give the service, the company must establish one sedate or branch in the country where it(he,she) is going to give the service. The example in this respect they are the companies of the financial sector and of assurances, which necessarily to be able to operate in the exterior must establish the commercial presence across sedate or branches.